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小说: 这些道理没人告诉过你 字数: 每页4000字

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eriously。 I felt the course was empty and a total waste of time; so I wanted to protest against it by not studying it。 I regret it now but regret doesn’t help。 please don’t misunderstand that I’m an irresponsible student; I did quite well in other tests that year。 (Or I held quite a lot of parttime jobs that year。)
18。 你为什么选择这个第二专业?Why did you select this as your second major?
19。 为什么不考研? You haven’t planned to get a Master’s Degree?
20。 你读研究生是保送的吗?什么条件能获得报送?Are you a schoolsponsored postgraduate? How does one qualify for a schoolsponsored postgraduate?
回答示范: 对, 是这样, 我保送是因为我成绩是前5%, 前15%的学生都可以保送。Yes; you are right。 I didn’t need to take the exams because I ranked top 5% in my class。 The top 15% could go to postgraduate school without taking exams。

第八节 如何根据简历预测自己的面试问题(3)

四、 “培训”可能引发的提问
21。 你为什么要选择参加这个培训?Why are you interested in this training?
回答示范: 主要是因为觉得这个培训会对就业有帮助。Mainly because I felt it would help me in my job hunting。
22。 这个培训都有什么内容?What was the content of this training program?
23。 你参加的这个“九种素质培训”, 你觉得有收获吗?有什么收获?What have you learnt from this Nine Behavioural petencies Training?
24。 你在大学里参加培训班的钱是哪里来的?是父母给的吗?How did you finance the training you took in university? From your parents?
25。 你参加的这个培训, 是公司派的还是自费的? Who financed this training for you; your pany or you yourself ?
五、 “工作经验”可能引发的提问
关于工作的提问, 往往是因循从大到小的询问模式:
(1) 你所处的大环境。 公司介绍、 部门介绍、 项目介绍、 市场环境介绍等等。
(2) 你具体做些什么。你的工作职责、 你怎样执行自己的工作等等。
(3) 你做得好不好?如果你做得很好, 那你有什么业绩、 有什么奖励?你是怎么做到这么好的?如果你做得不好, 是什么原因?
26。 这家公司是做什么的, 你介绍一下好吗?What’s the business of this pany? Can you give me some information about it?
27。 你所在的部门主要负责什么工作?What is the responsibility of your department?
28。 你部门的组织结构是什么样子的, 你能画个草图吗, 标志出你的位置。What’s the structure of your department? Can you draw a sketch here to illustrate it including where you are?
29。 你参与的这个项目, 请介绍一下是什么项目, 多大规模, 做了多长时间, 等等。 Can you tell me something about this project; including what it is; how big it is; and how long it took?
30。 你在这个项目里具体负责什么, 别人负责什么?What’s your duty in this project; and what about others?
31。 你的工作表现怎么样, 有没有取得什么成绩呢?How would you assess your performance in this job? Do you have any achievements?
32。 你简历上写自己的工作表现得到领导的好评, 那你有没有得过什么奖励呢?You said in your resume that you’ve been recognized and praised by your boss; so have you received any awards and honors?
33。 你这份工作当中, 哪些内容是和目前所申请的这份工作类似的? Which aspects of your job duties are similar to the post you are applying for now?
六、 “社团活动”可能引发的提问
34。 除了学习, 你大学其余的时间都做什么?How do you spend your time other than studying?
35。 你为什么要加入这个社团?Why did you join this club?
回答示范: 这个社团是影响力最大的社团之一, 我其实就是想选择最好的。This club is one of the most influential clubs on campus; I wanted to choose the best。
回答示范: 主要是由于个人的特点, 我一直是热心的人, 喜欢帮助别人, 所以就做了志愿者。I chose to be a volunteer mainly because of my personality。 I am enthusiastic and willing to help others。 I find helping others quite satisfying。
回答示范三: 这个社团和就业是有关系的, 我是比较讲求实际的人, 希望利用社团多了解社会和职业。This club is closely linked to job hunting and work。 I am a practical person and I wish to take this opportunity to get closer to my field。

第八节 如何根据简历预测自己的面试问题(4)

36。 你在简历上写自己加入了“性别论坛”, 很有意思, 能说说么?You joined “Gender Forum”; and it sounds interesting。 Can you say something about it?(备注: 如果你所加入的论坛或者社团有点怪怪的, 极有可能引发面试官的提问。)
37。 你在这个社团的工作中都学到了什么?What have you learnt from the experience in this club?
38。 你做了这么多的社团活动, 哪个对你来说印象最深刻?You seem to have done a lot in the clubs; so which experience impressed you the most?
39。 你做了这么的社团活动, 不影响你的学习吗?You seem to have spent lots of time on club activities; so how did you manage your study?
40。 你为什么选择了做志愿者?Why do you choose to be a volunteer?
41。 你这里写参加“灯塔计划”, 能解释一下这是什么计划吗?You said you joined “Light Tower Program”; and what is that about?
42。 你在简历里写, 由于你们到农村支教, 那些学生们的升学率提高了20%, 这个数据你是怎么得到的?你们仅仅工作了一个暑假, 你觉得会有那么大的影响吗?还是更多的是老师的功劳?You said that 20% more students could go to high school because of your teaching; how did you get this data? Do you think you made that much contribution in only a summer vacation? Or is it more because of their teachers? (备注: 面试官的提问口气很不友好, 并非是他不够礼貌, 而是该候选人明显在“吹牛皮”。所以, 简历的措辞要谨慎, 不能给人以不可信的感觉。)
七、 “兼职活动”可能引发的提问
43。 你为什么要做这么多的家教? Why do you do so much private teaching?
44。 你为什么要做这份兼职工作?Why did you choose this parttime job?
回答示范: 说实话, 当时没有特别地去想为什么, 正好有个机会就去做了。如果说为什么, 就是觉得能锻炼自己的能力。Frankly speaking; I didn’t really ask why at that time。 I did it because I happened to have that opportunity。 If there is a why; I think it’s to improve my abilities。
45。 你做这份兼职工作的体会是什么?How do you feel about working in this place?
46。 你兼职做的都是和销售有关的工作, 为什么现在应聘市场工作?You have held lots of sales jobs; and why are you now applying for marketing posts?
47。 你在这里写自己的兼职工作获得了领导的好评, 那么领导是怎么样评价你的?是在什么场合下评价你的?You said you were praised by your boss; and how and when?
48。 你有没有考虑留在这个兼职的公司工作?Have you considered staying with this firm after graduation?
八、 “英语和计算机水平”可能引发的提问
49。 你只过了四级吗?Is the CET4 your highest English certificate?
回答示范: 我把时间都花在计算机上面了, 我拿了两个证书。我现在正在新东方学口语, 我想口语好了, 应对工作没有问题。I spent most of my time learning puter skills; and I got two certificates。 I am now studying spoken English in New Oriental School。 I believe oral English is important for my future job。
50。 你过了六级, 那你的口语怎么样?You have a CET6 certificate; so how is your spoken English?
回答示范: 我的口语, 在我们班里是前50%吧, 不算最好的, 因为有些女生特别在意英语, 简直都把新东方的课上遍了。说实话, 我没有花费太多时间练习, 就是按部就班过来的, 过了四级, 然后过六级。 I feel my spoken English ranks in the top half of my class。 I am not the best; some students really focus on English study; and they’ve taken so many courses at New Oriental School。 I; honestly speaking; just follow the normal steps; you know; CET4; and then CET6。

第八节 如何根据简历预测自己的面试问题(5)

51。 你的英语很好, 你是怎么学的?Your English is very good; and how did you learn English?
回答示范: 我练习得特别多, 坐公共汽车的时候我都经常自言自语, 有时候别人都以为我神经病呢!I speak a lot。 I even talk to myself in English when sitting on buses。 Sometimes other passengers think I must be crazy; hehe。
52。 你在简历里写自己擅长英语演讲, 你能现场演讲一段吗?You said you are good at English speeches; and can you show me now?
53。 计算机用得怎么样?How about your puter skills?
54。 EXCEL和PPT经常用吗?Do you often use EXCEL and PPT?
九、 “个人兴趣”可能引发的提问
55。 你喜欢唱歌呀?是什么风格的歌曲?You like singing; what kind of songs?
56。 你喜欢长跑呀, 现在还坚持吗?You like long running; do you do it every day?
57。 你喜欢踢足球, 踢什么位置呀?You like playing football; which position?
58。 女孩子喜欢下围棋?好像很少见啊, 你为什么喜欢下围棋?Few girls like playing Go; and why do you like it?
十、 “荣誉”可能引发的提问
59。 在大学里得了这么多奖, 你是怎么做到的?You won so many awards; and how did you manage to do so?
60。 你在单位得到了优秀员工的称号, 有多少比例的人能得到?You received the honor of Employee of the Year; and what’s the percentage of employees who receive this award?
61。 你简历上写自己得过不少奖励, 那说明公司很重视你, 那你为什么要离开呢?是什么地方使你不满意?The awards and honors you received mean that your pany values you; so why do you want to leave? What dissatisfies you?
十一、 “自我描述”可能引发的提问
62。 你说自己很有领导能力, 可是我们这里没有什么项目可以给你领导呀, 多数都是小事情。You said you have leadership skills; but we don’t seem to have many projects for you to lead。 What we have are mostly chores。
回答示范: 其实, 写自己有领导能力就是因为要取悦招聘单位。每一个新毕业生都会这么吹的吧?在GE这么大的公司里, 我想首先领导好我自己就够了, 把自己的事情先做好。Actually I say I have leadership abilities to please you。 Most new graduates do so; right? In such a large pany as GE; I think I can only lead myself; do small things greatly; which won't be too easy
63。 你说自己思维很活跃, 能举例子说明吗?You say you have an active mind; and can you give me some exam

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