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BILL CRIST: If we don't reach out to these emerging markets; if we don't be evangelists; if you will; and try to encourage them to reform and invest some of our capital funds into these markets; taking advantage of those opportunities; if we don't do that; I'm afraid that some of the predictions that were made a long time ago by Karl Marx and Mr。 Engels and others 'will e true; and' that there will indeed be a confrontation between the haves and the havenots that can bring the entire system down。
BILL CRIST:如果我们不涉足这些新兴市场,如果我们不去充当福音传道者,如果你愿意,应努力鼓励他们进行改革并将一些基金投资到这些市场里去,利用这些机遇。如果我们不这样做,恐怕马克思和恩格斯在很久以前所做的预言就要变成现实了——在穷人和富人之间将出现对峙,并将使整个体系土崩瓦解。
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Chapter 7: Averting a Meltdown: 1994 '4:56'
第七章: 避免垮台1994
Onscreen caption: Mexico; January 1994
NARRATOR: The very day NAFTA came into effect; Zapatista rebels launched an uprising in Southern Mexico。 Shortly afterward; the leading presidential candidate was assassinated。
Worried about stability; foreign investment began to flee。 The global economy was about to face a new kind of crisis。
Onscreen caption: Washington; December 1994
ROBERT RUBIN: Christmas vacation; I was fishing down in the British Virgin Islands; and Larry Summers '; 19992001' called me; and he said; ";There's some problems in Mexico I'd like you to know about。"; And I thought to myself that it was nice of Larry to call on the one hand; on the other hand I'm on vacation; and; you know; Mexico today; it'll be some other country tomorrow; and I don't know why this can't wait till I get back。 Well; it turned out that this was not just another country。 It was a very; very serious matter。
罗伯特鲁宾:在圣诞节期间,我正在英属维京群岛钓鱼,萨墨斯 '美国财长; 19992001'给我打来电话,他说:“我想让你知道一些墨西哥发生的问题”。一方面,我觉得他给我打电话是好事,而另一方面,我又在度假,你知道的,墨西哥的今天将是其它一些国家的明天,我不知道为什么不能等我回去以后在告诉我呢?结果这还不是其它国家,这是一个非常非常严重的事件。
NEWT GINGRICH: I was at a restaurant; and they came and said; ";The secretary of the Treasury is on the line;"; and I got on the line; and he said: ";Greenspan and I have a problem。 (laughs) And we believe if we don't move very decisively that the Mexican peso will implode。 If it implodes; the Mexican government will bee very unstable; and we believe you could have a wave of five to nine million people walking north to find jobs。";
NEWT GINGRICH:我当时正在饭店,他们来跟我说:“财长打来电话”,我去接了,他说:“格林斯潘和我有一个问题。(笑声)我们相信,如果我们不能果断做出决定,墨西哥比索将会崩溃,如果墨西哥比索崩溃的话,墨西哥政府将变的非常不稳定,我们相信,会有5-9百万人拥到美国来找工作”。
ROBERT RUBIN: He understood it very quickly; and I remember his saying; ";This is the first financial crisis of the 21st century。";
NEWT GINGRICH: I said to him; ";This is the first realtime; worldwide financial crisis of a kind that will bee very normal。"; And so I said; instinctively; ";I'll back you。";
NEWT GINGRICH:我告诉他说:“这是一场真实的、世界范围的、以后将变的非常普遍的金融危机”,而且我还本能地说:“我会支持你的。”
Onscreen caption: Robert Rubin called an urgent meeting at the Treasury。
Mexico was about to default on its foreign debt。
ROBERT RUBIN: It was fascinating; because we had Mexico; which we really did think was facing default; and we had enormous political problems acplishing what we felt we needed to acplish to support Mexico; to try to prevent this from happening; and we all knew that while we believed the program we were remending was right; there was some risk it wouldn't work。
LAURA TYSON: You go in and say to the president: ";Here is a big crisis that could happen。 We can tell you something to do about it。 We can't tell you it's going to work。 It's very risky; and we know it's extremely unpopular; but we think you should do it anyway。";
LAURA TYSON:你走就进来对总统说:“要发生一个严重的危机,我们能告诉你一些有关的情况,但是我们无法告诉措施是否有效,但风险很大,我们知道这一措施非常不受欢迎,但是我们认为无论如何你都应该这样做。
Onscreen caption: The president's advisors remended a loan package to Mexico: 50 billion。
BILL CLINTON: Somewhere between five and 10 minutes I listened to all of this。 I say: ";Well; this is a nobrainer。 We've got to do this。 If we don't do this; Mexico will certainly fail。 Then the borders will be flooded with illegal immigrants who are starving and need food and a job。 We'll have an enemy on our Southern border; people that will remember when they were down and they were in need 'and that' we were not a good neighbor; and we will pay hugely for that。 All over the developing world; people who look at us and think that we are smug and rich and unresponsive and don't care about anybody else will have all that confirmed。 If we help; at least people will know we tried in a good cause; and it will resonate throughout the developing world。";
NARRATOR: The bailout worked。 Mexico paid back the loan  early。
For some; the intervention set a dangerous precedent: protecting big investors from risks they had willingly taken。
LARRY LINDSEY; Assistant to the : Remember; the people that got bailed out were foreign holders of Mexican obligations; so in a sense we were trying to bail out our own citizens。 But it signaled to banks and other rich investors that the ; they should take the downside。
LARRY LINDSEY; 美国总统经济政策助理:记住,被拯救出危机的人是对墨西哥负有义务的外国投资者,所以,在某种意义上,我们是在努力拯救我们的公民。但是,这也向银行和其他富有的投资者发出了一个信号:在当时,美国财政部要实施援救政策。冒这些风险的人应该承担这些风险。因为他们将获得回报,所以他们应该承担逆境造成的损失。
NARRATOR: As the Mexican crisis made clear; technology had transformed financial markets: Money could literally be moved across borders in seconds。

Chapter 8: The Global Village '6:47'
第八章: 全球村
NARRATOR: During the 1990s; technology; too; leapt over national borders; spreading merce and ideas。
DANIEL YERGIN: It's hard to believe that at the beginning of the 1990s; email was virtually unknown; most people didn't have it。 And a decade later it was everywhere; and it would just bee part of people's lives。 And so this munications network is so powerful。 The price of telephone calls plummeted。 The number of telephone calls around the world skyrocketed。 And people are in contact and connected in a way that had never happened before。
DANIEL YERGIN:现在人们很难相信在20世纪90世纪之初,电子邮件几乎还不被人所知。绝大多数人没有电子邮箱。但10年之后,电子邮件无处不在,成为了人们生活中的一部分。还有,沟通网络也变的非常强大,电话费用急剧降低,全球电话数量大大攀升,人们正在一种前所未有方式联系和交流。
NARRATOR: In two decades; the number of international phone calls from the 
This AT&;T control center handles 300 million calls each day。
Americans were often connected to the developing world without even knowing it。 Consumers checking their creditcard balance could be routed seamlessly to call centers like this one in India; where operators identify themselves with madeup American names。
OPERATOR; Call Center; India: Good evening。 My name is Tracy。 How can I help you?
NARRATOR: In a remote Indian village;

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