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派生 constriction(n。 紧缩;紧缩的事物)
consult[k?n's?lt]v。 请教;商议;翻阅
例句 It is confirmed that in his later life; he regularly consulted notes and journals when composing the memoir。 已经证实他晚年撰写回忆录的时候,经常会参考笔记和日记。
派生 consultation(n。 咨询;磋商)
contest[k?n'test]v。 竞争;辩论['kɑ:ntest]n。 竞赛
例句 1。 When we finish the exams; we'll have a month to think about whatever we want to do; for exemple visiting friends; staying with our family members; going to concerts; watching sports contests; and so on。 考试结束之后,我们有一个月的时间思考我们想做哪些事,例如拜访朋友,和家人待在一起,听音乐会,以及观看体育比赛等等。
2。 The student who wins the first prize in debate contest will be rewarded in front of all students。 在辩论赛中获得第一名的学生将在全体学生面前接受奖励。
派生 contestant(n。 参赛者,竞赛者)
curriculum[k?'rikj?l?m]n。[pl。 curricula]课程
例句 1。 You must pay attention to electives although they are not part of the basic curriculum。 你必须注重选修课,虽然它们不是基本课程的一部分。
2。 Teachers made every effort to arrange the curriculum in a proper way。 教师们尽了全力,以恰当的方式来安排课程。
同义 course(n。 课程)
diligent['dili??nt]a。 勤奋的,刻苦的,勤勉的
搭配 diligent in 勤勉于…
例句 1。 No matter when you go to the library; you will see diligent students studying there。 无论何时去图书馆,你都可以看见刻苦用功的学生正在那里学习。
2。 A person who comes from a poor family may be more diligent than others。 一个出身于贫苦家庭的人可能会比别人更勤奋。
3。 I admire Madame Curie for she was diligent in her work; recording every aspect of her experiments carefully。 我敬佩居里夫人,因为她辛勤工作,仔细地记录实验的每个方面。
discipline['dis?plin]n。 纪律;学科 v。 训练;惩罚
例句 1。 Admittedly; being required to attend classes has advantages in disciplining the students; however; considering that most of the college students can discipline themselves; I reckon it is acceptable to allow them to attend classes optionally。 无可否认,要求学生来到课堂上课有利于训导他们,但考虑到多数大学生都可以自我约束,我认为允许大学生有选择性地上课是可以接受的。
2。 Group members who inhibit the attainment of the group's goals should be disciplined。 阻碍团队实现目标的成员应该受到惩罚。
同义 subject(n。 学科);drill(v。 训练)
distract[di'str?kt]v。 分散注意力,使分心;使发狂
例句 1。 The consequence of practicing too much sport is that the children become easily distracted; which will influence their future。 过度的运动训练导致的后果是孩子们变得容易分散注意力,而这会影响他们的未来。
2。 If you watch a game on the spot; you'll find that people's heads and cheers will distract you from watching; and therefore you don't even know who wins the game in the end! 如果去现场看比赛,你会发现人们的头和欢呼声会使你在观看时分心,最终你甚至不清楚谁赢得了比赛。
派生 distraction(n。 分心)
distribute[di'stribju:t]v。 分配;散布;分类
例句 1。 By choosing meaningful classes and giving up the undesirable ones; you will obviously learn how to distribute your study time and acquire the capability of self…learning; which is tremendously important to students。 通过选择有意义的课程,并放弃那些不希望学习的课程,你显然会学到如何分配自己的学习时间,获得自学能力,而自学能力对大学生来说极其重要。
2。 Before the math exams; calculators will be distributed to the students。 在数学考试之前会给学生分发计算器。
同义 scatter(v。 分配);spread(v。 散布)
派生 distribution(n。 分布;分发)
divert[dai'v?:rt]v。 转移;使分心;使得到消遣
例句 1。 We need some activities which give us more physical exercises and divert our attention from studying。 我们需要一些能让我们的身体得到更多锻炼,并能把我们的注意力从学习上转移的活动。
2。 Obviously; diverting time previously spent in literature to the trivial things has lowered our level of cultural cultivation。 很明显,把之前用于阅读文学作品的时间转移到各种琐事之上已经降低了我们的文化修养水平。
3。 At first; these publishers produced books aiming primarily at diverting children audience。 这些图书出版商最初的目的主要是娱乐儿童读者。
同义 distract(v。 转移;分心)
派生 diversion(n。 转向)
elementary[?eli'mentri]a。 初级的,基础的
搭配 elementary school 小学
例句 1。 I chose to spend my time with elementary school children and help them with reading and writing。 我决定花时间与小学生们在一起,帮助他们学习阅读和写作技能。
2。 Generally speaking; an elementary school teacher probably makes less money than people in other industries。 总体来讲,一位小学教师的收入比其他行业的人要少。
同义 primary(a。 初级的)
eminent['emin?nt]a。 显著的,杰出的
例句 It is these famous universities that foster a number of eminent talents who make the world better。 这些名校培养了大量杰出的人才,他们使这个世界变得更好。
同义 outstanding; distinguished(a。 杰出的)
encyclopedia[in?saikl?'pi:di?]n。 百科全书
例句 What is specific to these online encyclopedias is that any Internet user is able to create a new entry or make an editorial change in an already existing one。 这些在线百科全书的一个特别之处是任何互联网用户都可以创建一个新词条,或者对已有的词条进行编辑。
endeavor[in'dev?r]n。/v。 努力,尽力
例句 1。 Supposing we take this step and succeed in this endeavor; our agricultural produce will be greatly increased; which will lay a solid foundation on national economy。 假若我们迈出这样一步并因努力而获得成功,我们的农产品产量将大幅增加,这将为国家经济建立坚实的基础。
2。 I endeavored to get better grades in college。 我尽力在大学取得更好的成绩。
同义 strive(v。 努力);effort(n。 努力)
endow[in'dau]v。 使天生具有,赋予;资助
例句 In a big company; you will be encouraged to further study in your free time either at home or abroad; and be endowed with more chances to contact with elites in the specific field。 在大公司,你会被鼓励在业余时间继续深造,无论是在家或是在国外;同时,你也会获得更多与业界精英接触的机会。
例句 Learning mathematical equations and other scientific knowledge helps students develop logical thinking skills。 学习数学方程式和其他科学知识能帮助学生培养逻辑思维能力。
error['er?r]n。 错误,差错 v。 犯错
例句 1。 Everyone would make mistakes; and the best way to eliminate errors is to think them over。 每个人都会犯错,而避免错误的最好方法是再三思考。
2。 The passage points to the inaccuracy of information existing in online encyclopedias; presenting that those errors in these resources are due to lack of professional knowledge。 文章指出在线百科存在信息不准确的问题,并提出这些资源中的错误是专业知识的匮乏造成的。
3。 We should know that even reference books may contain errors; therefore we should pay more attention to the less familiar knowledge。 我们要知道即使是参考书中也会有错,因此对于不太熟悉的知识要更注意一些。
factual['f?k?u?l]a。 实际的;真实的
例句 1。 It's easy to correct the factual errors in an online encyclopedia; but for the printed and bound one; the errors remain for decades。 在线百科中那些与事实不符的错误很容易改正,但对于印刷成册的百科全书来说,错误会存在几十年。
2。 However; this story may not be completely factual。 然而,这个故事可能并不完全符合事实。
feedback['fi:db?k]n。 反馈;反馈信息
搭配 information feedback 信息反馈
例句 The feedback I get from the teacher and other students will help me learn from my mistakes。 老师和其他学生给我的反馈将帮我从错误中学习。
figure['figj?r]v。 算出;估计 n。 人物;特征
搭配 figure out 确定;弄清
例句 1。 People have to figure out what's of the greatest significance for them。 人们需要弄清什么对他们来说才是最重要的。
2。 It is needless to say that how often the famous figures visit those widely known fashion designers。 名人会多么频繁地拜访那些广为人知的时尚设计师,这一点无需赘言。
同义 calculate(v。 算出);estimate(v。 估计)
hypothesis[hai'pɑ:θ?sis]n。 假设,假说;前提
例句 1。 The fact that it's difficult to see any dead animals is consistent with the predator hypothesis。 难以找到死去的动物这一事实符合捕食者假说。
2。 The professor's hypothesis is that the polluted air caused the death of these birds。 教授的假设是受到污染的空气导致了这些鸟的死亡。
同义 assumption(n。 假设)
ignorance['ign?r?ns]n。 无知,愚昧;不知,不懂
例句 1。 The article mainly talks about the result of the ignorance on the importance of online encyclopedias。 这篇文章主要讨论人们忽视在线百科的重要性而造成的后果。
2。 Perhaps due to our ignorance of relevant knowledge; we will miss many interesting places without a tour guide。 或许由于我们不了解相关知识,如果没有导游的陪伴,我们会错过许多有趣的地方。
illiterate[i'lit?r?t]a。 不识字的,文盲的;缺乏教育的
例句 1。 It is true that if there are no job opportunities which need only physical labor; illiterate people will be forced to be on the unemployment list constantly。 事实是如果没有仅需体力劳动的工作机会,那么缺乏教育的人们将被迫长期出现在失业名单上。
2。 We gain knowledge about life and the world by reading books; magazines and newspapers; therefore if we don't read; we will be illiterate and ignorant。 通过阅读书籍、杂志和报纸,我们能得到关于人生和世界的知识,因此如果我们拒绝阅读的话,我们将目不识丁,变得无知。
illustrate['il?streit]v。 阐明;举例说明
例句 1。 To illustrate this fact; there is a persuasive example。 有一个很有说服力的例子可以阐明这一事实。
2。 These questions will be illustrated with c

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